The limited perspective of the echo chamber

   Sometimes in nature, it is so special to limit our sensual perspective to what is in our immediate vicinity. Like in this amazing place in the Pernululu National Park in the Kimberley region of north western Australia. Being there, in that space, at that special moment when the sunlight shone in from above, was … Read more

Imagine being … like a sheep on a hobby farm

I attribute this idiom to that savage rocking band from beautiful WA, the Southern River Band. As an aside, I had the pleasure and the lived experience to see these young lads in my own back-yard (practically) at a recent music festival. They were cool, entertaining, hard-working, the lead was awesome on his guitar, and … Read more

The link between wellness, performance, and outcomes

What does your life look like? Are you heading north or south, and/or navigating the middle ground? Hopefully, through self-regulation and self-reliance, as manifested as emotional intelligence, you are orientated in a helpful direction. I wish you well, or seek assistance from someone you can trust. As Fairfax media noted today (thanks Jill Stark), the … Read more