My hope for the new year … is 20/20 vision

As the sun sinks on the second decade of the 21st century, here is hoping that our political leaders across the world can gain some ‘2020’ vision, to see the short term climate situation for what it is, and so act in the longer term interest of this planet’s inhabitants, being all sentient beings, flora and the various ecosystems.

Early signs are not promising but as bushfires rage in the south east of my country Australia this day, sadly a country demonstrating very poor commitment to addressing the emerging climate emergency, perhaps our laggard leaders may be shocked into action.

Meantime, as ‘we’ the community demand action of our leaders, we must also support those people, businesses and groups willing to do the right thing, to ‘act locally but think globally’. To be generous and humble enough to pay it forward, by sacrificing some of our wealth and indulgence now, so future generations can be saved from what remains an emerging inevitability of environmental destruction on a massive scale.

Here’s hoping, the like-minded and science-respecting individuals and groups can act collaboratively and effectively to mitigate this climate emergency, starting with this iconic year of 2020.

Happy new year one and all!

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